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power window issue 06 forester

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hey guys

A few weeks ago the pass side window would not go up or down.....neither with the pass door switch nor the switch on the drivers master console

The next day it was fine


Now it is doing it again and has not operated for the past week.

Anyone have an idea where the problem is?


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Typically the switch is dirty and only needs an internal cleaning of the contacts. If the switch is removed from the door and turned upside down, one can spray electrical contact cleaner (any auto parts supplier/Radio Shack) into its creases. Then cycle the switch several times and repeat. Then give the cleaning fluid 5 minutes to evaporate before turning on the ignition and trying the switch.


In stubborn cases, I've taken the switch apart (inside a large zip-lock bag to catch any small parts) and cleaned them individually.


If that doesn't do the job, a used switch from a wrecker may be necessary.


Then again, this may not do the job, because the motor connection is corroded, the motor is on its way out, or you may have a broken wire  (usually in the rubber gaiter at the door hinge). But the driver's  switch is the place to start. Good Luck!

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