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good day all


its been a long time...


l'm visiting a a friend and naturaly her car needs work....

it's a 96 legacy l


driver side brake caliper is stuck

(has been for a while judging by the diferential wear on the pads


don't have a shop at my disposal here --

how do l un-stick the piston?

or do l just replace it?




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have you pysically taken it apart? 

it's usually the slides that are stuck - not the piston. 

clean and regrease the slides with high quality grease like SilGlyde, it's 100X better than the regular permatex stuff. 


if it's the piston you have a couple options:


1. unbolt the caliper from the caliper bracket

pump the brake pedal...starting lightly then harder and see if you can get any piston movement via the hydraulic pressure of the brake system

if it moves - then compress/extend/compress/extend


2. alternately you can just push the brake pedal until the piston comes all the way out of the caliper - fluid and all. 

then rebuild it - rebuild kits are like $3 - $10 and include a new seal for the piston. 

real simple. 

if the piston is rusty it'll need replaced


3.  get another caliper.

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yeah l took it apart

the slides are ok


piston won't comprest...


haven't tried pumping it out

cuz this is the only car available for driving to the auto parts store...


guess I'll buy a caliper

and a rebuild kit

return the one l don't use




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if something goes wonky you can drive the car with just the emergency/parking brake.  CYA legal disclaimer - i don't recommend it because it's unsafe, probably illegal, etc. 

but i've done it a bunch of times - choose time of day and route appropriately and i haven't had a problem.

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gross Gary

like your style

done that before as well

most notably in a school buss...


but the car in question is at the top of a long and steep and rutted and windy dirt road

and it's been raining for days...


anyway --

l got the piston out

and could have rebuilt it

but the useless employes at the Mckrankin


couldn't find or didn't have a rebuild kit


and the seal got damaged in the extraction


so there's a new caliper on there

(and the other side got its sliders greased -- which it needed badly)


did l mention it was raining

and l was in a dirt (that is mud) drive way

what fun ;)


thanks for the help


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