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Hey everyone Im getting a P0133 O2 Sensor Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) on a 98 subaru legacy with 233,000 miles on it. Generally i would think the o2 sensor but it is brand new as well the whole catalytic converter. Besides a short in the wiring is there anything else it could be?



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What brand sensor is it? Was it a 'generic' fit where you splice on the wires? Sometimes/once in a while people have issues with those i.e. the ECU not being entirely happy with what it is seeing. I can't remember where it screws in exactly, does it screw into the front cat? If so maybe the positioning in the new cat is slightly different. There are definitely lots of grades of cats but as the sensor is upstream of it I don't necessarily think it would be the quality of the cat (since the palladium, rhodium etc precious metals in it cost $ the cheaper cats don't have as much usually).

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