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Heh.  I see from my profile I have not been the most attentive member :rolleyes:


But I do still have my Forester, and it is finally needing some work.  I'm trying to replace the PS pump, which looks like it will be easy once I remove the entire top half of the engine.  This seems silly, but then again we all know what it's like to change a spark plug.  Does anyone have a reference or some tips to guide me along the way?



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Try and retro fit an earlier model. The quality of all the stuff that subaru has been outfitting the cars with has been on a steady decline.

Stuff like power steering pumps,  AC compressors, sensors etc have all been failing 1000 of miles earlier than their predecessors.  Newer is not better.  For power steering the lines are the only difference.  So in most cases you can use the lines and pump from an earlier model and attach them to the rack and you will be ahead in the long run.  Just some wisdom from someone who has been messing and modding on these every day for 14+ years.

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Thanks guys, I got it sorted out.  There was nothing on youtube for this year/model, surprisingly.  The secret, which I finally figured out with the help of a parts schematic I begged from the dealer, is this:  In order to get this unit out, you do NOT remove the pump from its mount.  You remove the *mount* (with pump still attached) from the block.  There are two 14 mm bolts accessible from the front, just below the p/s pulley, and one accessible from the top, using a long extension, behind the pump.  You also need to remove the 14 mm bolt from the alternator adjusting slider. 


Once the assembly is free, you can swap out the bracket and any other parts you need.



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