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I'm having a problem with a power steering squeal on my 2011 Subaru Impreza.  It started when the temps starting dropping. I've replaced the O-ring and the hose clamp to it. I have also removed as much of the fluid as I could and replaced with new.  I'm having no air/bubbles in the reservoir when the wheel is turned to lock and lock. But when the temps drop below 35 outside the more of a squeal I get. I've also sprayed the belt with a small amount of belt dressing also.   Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

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not sure I follow, did you SEE bubbles before?


anyway, if air in the system is not the problem, then the belt or possibly the crank pulley are suspect.


2011 may have those stretch belts - if the belt has been changed - was the correct type installed?

Edited by 1 Lucky Texan
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original belts are 'probably' getting old for most of us at 60K miles or so.
Start with belt replacement and go from there. Get Gates or similar quality - on stuff like belts, brake pads, etc.('consumables') , never ask for the cheapest the store has, it won't last long.



Edited by 1 Lucky Texan
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