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2008 legacy outback trans temp light on p1707

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hi all, fairly new here. ive got a at trans temp light on. code is p1707. car runs, drives and shift fine. my mechanic went through the entire mitchell procedure and everything checked out ok. last option in mitchell was replace valve body. seems kind of drastic for a car with no shifting problems. wondering if a sensor is the cause. cant seem to find anything in google or any subaru forums. any hepl would be great..car has 104k if that makes a difference

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Runs fine, drives fine, shifts fine, but you probably have no AWD.

Does it have the 6 cyl engine and 5 speed auto?


On the 4 speed automatics the AWD solenoid is a fairly common failure and is easily replaceable. The 5 speed autos appear to have the AWD solenoid built into the valve body. Which generally requires replacing the entire valve body.

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Wow thanks for the quick response. It's the 2.5l auto. I'm guessing it's the 5 speed auto if im not mistaken. Any direction on a valve body reman? I guess I'll check eBay and I'll confirm tomorrow exact transmission. So the 4 speed autos are a fairly easy soleniod replacement. Thanks.

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