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my 2009 forester x block just self destructed. why?

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I have a 2009 forrester x and last night Im driving at 65mph and engine light comes on and then car stalls. I look and there is a hole in the block 1.25 inch wide by 3 inch long near the crank with smoke rolling out of it. any idea why this failed?

I have had all the required oil changes and such since I owned it.


Bad billy 

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Rod bearing spun and seized. Rod broke in half, and the half still attached to the crank punched through the block.


Also called "Throwing a Rod"



Typically it's caused by a lack of oil to that bearing, this can be caused by several things, be it a clog somewhere limiting flow to only that bearing, or that part of the engine. Or something causing low oil pressure to the whole engine (cracked pick-up tube, oil pump problem, etc.).


It can also be caused by high rpm use, or turbo cars that have had the boost turned up (I assume neither of these apply to you....).


It can also be caused by detonation/misfires (causing contact between the bearing and crank), which can be caused by either fueling or ignition.


IMO, none of these things are any more likely on your car than most others (Subaru and others).




Long story short, it'll be very difficult to tell. It might be due to some neglect or abuse, but it might just be a fluke. 

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Hole in the block = thrown rod.  Period. 


"Why" can be complicated, but it's usually oil related.  Bad PCV valve. Low oil, lack of changes, wrong oil are the usual culprits. 

It's possible that the circlip for a wrist pin on a piston broke.  All kinds of things are possible, but the fact remains that you now need a new engine.  You will also now have metal all through the rest of the engine AND (NOTE!) all through your intake manifold as well.  Be sure the manifold is professionally and thoroughly purged before putting it back on or it will ruin the next engine as well.


Several people have given you info: what you do with it is your choice. 



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