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Hi there,

Got problems with second hand trans, lots of torque steer and weird feeling when driving in loose gravel or under hard acceleration.

Torque steer issue seems to disappear when running with 2WD fuse in.

Have to drive car 150klm to Trans specialist. 

Will I do damage driving the vehicle this distance in 2WD.


Many thanks in advance.

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No problem driving in 2wd. You can drive it that way for 10 years and not hurt a thing.


Trans specialist will likely tell you one of 2 things - 1. Needs a new trans (Which is very likely a lie or just lack of knowledge of these Subarus or 2. replace the Duty C solenoid (Which you can look up on here with the search feature. A good used one can be installed in a few hours and often fixes the problem.


The relevant questions for you are - what's the year and model of your Subaru? and are all your tires matching size, brand and tread depth/circumference. Non matching tires produce torque bind which compounds into other problems over time. Guessing the bind came from a previous owner if the trans is second hand. Search around on here and read up on both torque bind and Duty C replacements and you'll have a good idea of what you're probably in for.


Or some opt to just drive a front wheel drive subaru by either leaving the fuse in or for those that are past that, disconnecting the rear section of the drive shaft on legacies or pulling the driveshaft and capping the trans on Impreza/Forester.

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