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92 loyale.....i think i broke it

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 bought the 92 loyale a few months ago & did alot of work to it from the heads up.  i felt like it drove great until 55ish where it seemed like it wanted to hover there for awhile.  i tried dropping it to 2nd for a short while (suggested by a member) till i got to around 55 then putting back into drive.  this seemed to help in certain areas of Denver.


i recently last week took the loyalwithcheese back into the Mtns to Rocky MTN Nat Park where there is a pretty good amount of climbing!  i played with 2nd a bit while climbing....i dont know what kind of rpm i was pushing up but id say around 4500-5500 @ most when it wasnt trying to switch gears. it felt like it pulled better but right before when it was ready for Drive & didnt want to do much more after.  i had to play with the pedal & then wanted to jump gears & no really stay in it very long while also not able to drop to 2nd because i was up in rpms were too high.   it was struggling.  i know that this car is underpowered & the fact that it has a 3 speed doesnt really help in the Mountains.  

   Maybe 1/2 way up i noticed a lil bit of smoke out the back in the rear view mirror which assumed was ATF burning a lil?  it was windy that day so pretty much all sign of smoke was non existant.  We got to our trailhead & snowshoed up into the mtn where we ended up dipping into the valley, camping & day hiking the next day.  We got back to the car later that day & it started fine after the 2nd try figuring it was cold.  i did hear an small new iffy noise but didnt think much of it because it kinda sounded like an exhaust shroud rattling.  

   i had checked the oil 3 days prior to going back into the mtns, i added a lil bit & it checked fine.  i def screwed up by not checking the oil before heading back to denver from the mtns.  it felt like it was driving fine & the coolant guage was maybe 1/3 of the way & def didnt register HOT & hasnt overheated because the overflow tank is dryish.  No steam/vaper coming from anywhere. 75mph @ 5000rpm for 30 min was the hardest i went.  

   when i got home & pulled into the driveway i was hearing a really bad knock & thought the worst!!!  it was late so it had to wait for the next day to diagnose.  i checked the oil the next day & it didnt even register on the stick!!!!!!!!!  i literally added 3 qrts of oil.  i drove it slowly around the block a few times shut it off & did that 3 times while checking oil levels.  i left it alone for an hr & restarted it & magically i didnt hear ANYTHING.  the tick on my lifter wasnt even there. (oh...but the tick came back the very next day...i thought it was a gonner but i think its here to staaay)



  i havent taken it very far since except letting an out of town buddy use it to go to a few concerts here in town.  He drove it 40min back & forth for a few days with no problem.   i'd say that a 30-45 min drive might be burning/leaking 1/3-1/2 qrt.  Granted that theres a small chance it coulda been a lil over filled prior doesnt explain the fact that the oil is being sucked up somehow & then dipping down (here the kicker)  INTO the air filter & out of the bottom corner.   

   the exhaust smells normal & fine, no atf,oil or coolent smell that i can determine.  


   over the last few days since my buddy left town i took it to get emmisions tested & it finally passed (THATS A WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY) It doesnt smoke while running.  the color of the smoke is white in the smorning & throws a lil condinsation. but thats normal.   ive checked the cooolant & havent lost any...checked the upper & lower hoses for heat & theyre hot so i think my thermostat is OK (its brand new).  Over the last few days ive developed a starting issue.  i feel like its getting too hot & doesnt want to start.  when ive driven it days prior we were only driving to a destination & it sat for a few hrs.  i drove it to the gas station after getting emissions done but stopping home for 30 minutes & it started fine but wouldnt start again @ the gas station.  eventually i asked for help & someone pushed me into a parking spot where i locked it up & was offered a ride home.  my buddy & i went back up later that evening to swap the PCV valve (replaced with old pcv from when we did work..old 1 still seemed ok so i kept it).  it started right up no problem.  yesterday i drove it 20min to BMV to get my license plates.  after it sat 1 hr 30 min it started & drove home. i had also had the battery & alternator checked the day before aswell. 

  i'm stumped & no idea what could make me loose that much oil & why its getting hot?  i'm going to the junkyard today to pull @ coolant temp sensor off of a loyale & see if mine is bad or the other 1 shows something different

  OK so i just went out to check the oil & run up to the gas station & got nothing on the dipstick.  i put in 1.5qt & got a reading.  now i have to go get more oil.  ive dropped $70 in oil over the last week.  it was fine on oil when i left the license brach & a 25 min drive lost me 3 qts.  WTH

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Running that low on oil.... Bad.  Never did it, so can't say for sure, but low oil I would think would cause trouble with the rings and bearings.

The coolant recovery tank should always have coolant in it, up to the full line when cold. 


I had an engine that burned about a quart of oil per tank of gas.  It had suffered a bad overheat due to low coolant.  It passed emissions, and didn't smoke.  Ran it for quite a while, using old oil from other cars, mixed with cheap new.  Running low on coolant - even a little low - is bad for head gaskets.  No coolant in the overflow is not good.  Watch your coolant level like a hawk.  Both by checking the level in the overflow, and squeezing the top hose to check for water swishing & jiggle pin vs lots of air / no jiggle pin.


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Sounds like you are either burning oil or you have a good going oil leak.  If it was burning oil you would see a blue smoke from the tail pipe.  If it is a leak, the underside of the engine will be soaked as well as your driveway where it is parked.


My guess is it's a leak which simply means it's time to replace the engine seals. 

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never made it to the junkyard today. there isnt any oil leaking from under the car except the Air filter box. & a tiny bit around the oil filter seal which is normal.  ive had cardboard boxes under it for the last 5 days with that 1 spot the only spot that gets oil drips.  i'm thinking i might strap a GoPro under the car & go for a drive.  i spit shined every part of that engine & engine bay when i did work on it so if anything went wrong id beable to determine quickly where a leak is coming from & just easier to work on instead of guessing around an already oily soaked engine bay.  theres oil coming out of the throttle body area.  the hoses coming from the valve covers are oily too 

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