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03 Subaru Outback 4 cylinder. Sitting at light I hear a sudden noise like a tie strap attached to a fan smacking an aluminum can over and over. I pull over and the car is struggling, half a block later it dies.

Had the vehicle towed home. Started it at home and the engine was shaking dramatically. Tested coil pack and was not reading anything on primary pins. The secondary read fine. Replaced coil pack. And replaced plugs. Now it will not start. Turns over but will not start. Can I post video?

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Might be that the timing-belt Tensioner has failed, and allowed the timing-belt to slacken. The noise you heard could be the Tensioner flapping around.

Then the timing-belt might have skipped a tooth, and screwed up the valve and spark timing.


Take the left-side (looking forward) TB Cover off (3 screws), You'll soon see if the timing-belt is loose.

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Something is definitely wrong and I wouldn't run the engine whatsoever until it's corrected.


Your video, the engine is running like it's had plug wires reversed. The noise however sounds more severe.


Timing belt should be tight. The tensioner should keep it tight enough it can't jump teeth. Remove the front cover and inspect the belt. 


I'd do a compression test to see if chomped a valve. It's possible the belt was old and the tensioner allowed too much slack, it jumped the sprocket, and now you have a bent valve, but that's only a guess, but still needs ruled out to be safe.


Not sure why replacing a coil would cause engine to not run, unless it locked something up after cooling down and won't start regardless.

Edited by Bushwick
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It still turns over but will not catch. A lot of gas smell from somewhere when attempting. I've broke a breaker already trying to get the pulley off in order to get the timing belt case off. Going to try an impact gun today. I am able to see some of the belt on right side and belt moves about a half an inch up and down maybe more. I'll get a better look today. Stay tuned my saviors

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Rest your breaker bar against the frame and blip the starter. Will break it loose every time.

To tighten you can insert a flat blade screwdriver into a hole on pass. side of block. It will hit the flexplate. Rotate crank and it will slide into a slot and keep the crank from turning.


pic courtesy of JohnE



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  • 2 weeks later...

Used a hinged reader bar with giant hammer. Finally broke it free.


A tension pulley had exploded inside. Bearings everywhere.


Replaced all pulley and tensioners and water pump.


Turn her over and runs smooth.


Suddenly.....smoke coming from down pipe where is connects to engine. Smells a bit like plastic.



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Ok it seems it was just burning off some crap that had either been spilled or dripped from sitting for a couple weeks.


Took case back off timing belt had moved an inch or two away from lines. Is tensioner too loose? How much play up and Down should my belt have?

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??? um - was it a new tensioner?


if you reused the old one, maybe you compressed it too fast and blew-out the seal?



maybe post up some pics and one of the more experienced guys here will spot something. include 2-3 good pics of the tensioner from different angles too.


no question you got the right belt/parts?

Edited by 1 Lucky Texan
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