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I have had Subarus for 10 years or more.  I have been on this site for almost that.

I have a 2005 Subaru Legacy Outback.  6 months ago, I put a 2002 Forester 2.5 SOHC motor in it.  I got a 1,000 miles on it.  Now it keeps coming up with a PO code 420. 

As I was working on it yesterday, trying to clear the codes, I probably started it 30 + times.  Today I went to start it, and it won't turn over.

I checked battery cables, then I jumped the starter, and it turned over, but no start.  The previous owner had the car towed, but the battery was dead at the time, and he was yanking on the shifter to get it out of gear.  The only way I was able to start the car, was to put it in neutral.

Could it be the neutral safety switch?  Or the immobilizer?  Or what?

I have been checking fuses, etc.  I read something online about pulling the battery cable off with the ignition on.  I will try that tomorrow. 

Any help, suggestions will be greatly appreciated



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So do you have any juice at all when you jump it? Does your lights come on? If not, check your fusible link thingy in your fuse box under the hood. Its just a small 2 inch black wire at the front of the box. If that is blown then you will have no juice at all anywhere.

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I tried to find the fusible link, cant find one on this car.  It's a 2002 forester motor that I put in my 2005 Outback.  Could it be in a different location?  I found this morning that when I put the key in the ignition, and turned it to the on position, the radio played, and the dash lit up.  when I went to start the car, the radio went out. the time and outside temp lights also went out.  I'm still checking fuses and connections.  Could it be the computer?  Any help, suggestions greatly appreciated.

thanks, Scube

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I agree, if it's got power then doesn't when you turn the key, it's just a loose battery cable. I would see if you can twist the terminals. If they feel tight I would take them off and either throw some coca cola on there or baking soda and wire. That'll clean them up good.

Edited by gravitate
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