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I'M DOING IT!... but i need help..

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I have finally decided to start tear-down and fabrication on my 89 gl coupe suspension. I tracked down parts from a 95 Impreza. I took the whole front and rear suspension setup. (Cradle and all.) I have hit a proverbial brick wall though.


We successfully got one of the front lower control arms mounted and the spindle/hub assembly installed, but the CV axle is making me second guess my decision to convert altogether. I was under the impression that I could simply pull the snap ring out of the DOJ side of the axle and it would slip right onto the Impreza's CV. I got that information from right here:




...and yes, my car is N/A so I'm running the 23 spline setup.

I have made it to that point where I'm supposed to be making a "FrankenCV" for it, but the internals are totally different.

The GL axle has 32 splines, and the Impreza axle has 22. So quite obviously they don't fit together. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and I need a hand!


Any suggestions would be great!

Thanks, Nathan.

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