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Anyone know where to purchase a FPCM for 84 Brat?

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Struggling with getting my brat road worthy again.  Was running fine and out of the blue while driving down the highway it was like someone shut the key off!  Would start to pick up again then quit. Did this several time before I left it on the side of the road. Went back the next morning and it started right up and drove it home. I've replace the coil, fuel filters, ignition control module, cap & rotor.  Thought I had it running good one day, next day I let it warm up before driving and went about a block and sputtered and died. Started again went about a mile, sputterd and died. Started again and made it home. Pulled into the garage and it just sat there and idled fine. ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by mtdrtbag
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The dealer.


Does not sound like your problem however.

Check it by monitoring fuel pump voltage w/a meter.


Problem seems more like a plugged filter sock/filter/weak pump.

High fuel demand pulls crud  into the sock.It drops off again w/engine off.

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