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Hi All - Brand new here. I was overjoyed to locate these message boards!


I'm on day 3 of owning a 2015 Outback. LOVE this vehicle. The only "off" thing I've noticed is this odd driver's side window. It is supposed to be automatic up and down. It doesn't do it all the time, but sometimes when the driver's side window is down and I push the button to go back up, it will go about half-way up and stop. Sometime it will then reverse and go back down. Then I push the button again and it will go up, sometimes halfway again. Other times it will go up until almost closed and then reverse and go back down. Usually by the third try it will go all the way back up. I probably look pretty silly trying to pull out of the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru!


Its funny - at first I thought this was a neat feature - an auto halfway up/down thing. But after a time or two I suspected this is probably not how its supposed to work. 


What could that be and is this anything I could fix myself? I am not a car expert by any means but I can follow instructions well enough.


Thanks for any help anyone could give.



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Read the owners manual just in case


Was the window left down?

Is the window sealing properly?

How long has it done it?


If water gets in and gets the switch wet I've seen them act uncanny for a few days.


Otherwise take it to s dealer for warranty work

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