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Airbox outlet, what hose goes on here, if any?

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Hi everybody!


I'm just finishing up replacing the manual trans in my legacy and I've got this hose barb on the airbox that is looking pretty lonely.  I can't find the mate for it anywhere.  This was at the end of the day, so my next step is to pull the air box and look for it, but it would help if I knew where the other end went.  Anyone recognize it?





Edited by lostinthe202
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Hmmmm, see attached from my step-son's '00 OB.


Can't tell where it goes, but doesn't look to link into the PCV, as you can see the PCV and it appears to just go from block>>TB.


I can't get to opposedforces.com @ work...but it 'should' show it, too.


Edited by wtdash
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Yeah, thanks for the pic, that's basically what I thought I remembered it looking like.  I must have it buried somewhere 'cause I know I didn't take it off the car, no reason to.  I just can't find the blasted thing.  I figured if I knew where the other end was supposed to be, I could try and find it by looking for the source.


I tried Oppossed forces and there is one pic that indicates that it's a hose on the intake manifold on the passenger's side and that they're all tied to the PCV.  I won't get to the car until tomorrow AM unfortunately.  Here's the pic



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I'm with fairtax. I've had 4 of these so I'm pretty sure. It should have that pcv hose though. They eliminated the T that goes to the airbox in 02. Just goes straight to the intake after that. Yours being a 2000 should have the T set up though.

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