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93 loyale stereo wiring help?

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Ive just put in a new deck and it says that the left rear negative and the left front negative are the same wires, and so are the right rear and front negatives are both the same wire as well. The left front and back negative is blue and red and the right front and rear negative are blue and black. Does this mean i need to have 4 wires spliced together or is something wrong here lol? Right now only my front speakers are hooked up because i dont want to mess anything up trying to hook up the rear.


Any help is appreciated



Edited by tanner93loyale
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Most new stereos use separate wi r es for each speaker. The old car wiring shares a common for the front and rear. You have to add wire or separate them. Don't tie the stereo output wires together. .risk of blowing up the output amps.

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Most new stereos use separate wi r es for each speaker. The old car wiring shares a common for the front and rear. You have to add wire or separate them. Don't tie the stereo output wires together. .risk of blowing up the output amps.

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I found out when installing my new stereos. Since neither car had rear speakers, I didn't bother to sort out what to do to separate the wiring. I'll have to look in my fsm to see if I can determine where the wiring combines.

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