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Problems keeping motor running after pulling motor

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Okay so I recently replaced the head gaskets and timing belt kit on my 1999 Subaru Legacy SUS 2.5 DOHC. Got the motor back in yesterday and went to start her and it didn't want to stay running. Would have an extremely rough idle right after start up and die after about 3 or 4 seconds. If you feathered/smashed the gas pedal, it would stay running but it sounded terrible.


I've done a little bit of research but can't really find any good info on what it may be.


Timing belt is 100% correct. All marks on cams were aligned and the crankshaft gear notch was lined up with the notch on the block at top dead center. All marks on belt lined up with the notches on the cam gears and timing cover.


All wiring, connectors, and grounds are good....gonna go over the motor again today to double check everything.


The only things I could think of it being are: Bad sparkplugs/wires. (They looked fine but they were the plugs that were in prior to pulling the motor. Along with the wires. But I thought I read something about getting new Plugs after the heads have been machined...something to do with the compression?) Plugs are NGK iridium.


Fuel lines are ran right and tightened down. No gas leaks or smells.


Did a compression test today. All cylinders read 200-210psi.


I'm losing my mind!


I've attached a few videos...






Edited by nastylgt
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Problem solved! I KNEW I did everything right. Everything besides the the old intake manifold gaskets off. The driverside gasket was still on. And actually had fallen off and I didn't notice it. It got sandwiched halfway over the manifold ports. Causing a major exhaust/vacuum leak. Removed it and it runs like a dream. Thank you everyone for advice and tips!

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