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Vehicle: '96 Legacy L AWD w/the larger OB/GT dual-piston calipers/pads/rotors on the front.


EDIT 11/1/2016: Replaced the front left CV axle (lifetime warranty on NAPA NEW axle), it appears to be fixed. First NAPA axle I've had fail, IIRC.


Symptom: Makes a Clicking >>Rattling  noise when 1st starting out each day or after it's been off for a few hours.

 - Gradually gets less as car / brake(s warm up.

    >> Goes away after 5 mins of driving.

    >> Is Less noticeable w/our latest round of hot (for N. ID) 85-90° weather.

 - Rotation-based - faster speed = faster clicking.

 - Seems to be from Driver's side.

 - Does it whether wheels are turned or straight-ahead.

 - It gets less and less the firmer I press the pedal.



 - Both front axles are NEW (not remfgd) , from our local NAPA auto chain, which I've always had good luck. Axles replaced before I swapped the brakes. And it doesn't sound quite like a bad CV noise.

 - Front tie-rods - inner AND outer, Sway-bars front and rear,   replaced in last year

 - Removed and regreased the caliper slide bolts and it WAS BETTER for about a day. Clue???

 - Widened the gap between the rotor and its brake dust shield.  - No difference

 - Car's brakes seem to work normally. No pulling to one side or the other.

 - Calipers are 'unknown' condition. Extra set I had from 'who knows what' project.

 - Pad and rotors are new when I installed the calipers.


Suggestions b4 I have the local shop acce$$ my wallet to diagnose?




EDIT: Looking @ the 'rusty ring' around the edge of the brake rotor (disk)....thinking it may be hitting. I will grind it down and see.>>>no change.

Edited by wtdash
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  On 6/30/2016 at 12:35 AM, porcupine73 said:

Hm does it change at all if you're applying the brakes at all like lightly --> firmly?

- It gets less and less the firmer I press the pedal. (I forgot this little tidbit in my OP.)




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  On 6/30/2016 at 12:38 AM, john in KY said:

Just a WAG  but could a caliper be just hitting the inside of a wheel?


I wouldn't think so. I'm running WRX 16" wheels and these calipers original fit under the OB's 15".




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Normally a brake pad rattle will stop as soon as you press the brake pedal.


Pull the wheel off and see if you can move the brake pads easily up/down in the caliper bracket with your finger. If you can, the anti-rattle clips need to be replaced.

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  On 6/30/2016 at 3:10 AM, 1 Lucky Texan said:

after which service did it begin?

Sorry, not sure what you're referring to. But the noise likely started  a few weeks after I did the front brake swap


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  On 6/30/2016 at 2:48 AM, Fairtax4me said:

Normally a brake pad rattle will stop as soon as you press the brake pedal.


Pull the wheel off and see if you can move the brake pads easily up/down in the caliper bracket with your finger. If you can, the anti-rattle clips need to be replaced.


Rattle is a better description...'clicking' is kinda misleading. I'll give this look this weekend. 


Related Question, plz: Should the  slots where the -pad 'ears' fit - be greased?


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I grease those slots - some people have found some aftermarket pads that needed the pad backplate filed/ground a little on those ears - maybe flashing or paint causes them to stick a little. Doesn't seem like oversize ears would lead to a rattle....?


whne you pulled the old pads out - were they evenly worn ; inside-to-outside pad, and 'toe-to-heel' on individual pads?


just seems like your noise might be something like heat shield now - or unrelated to any recent service like the brakes. maybe check that a CV boot band hasn't come loose? Any chance a sway bay endlink is loose?

Edited by 1 Lucky Texan
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