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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

Clutch Shudder, Jutter, Judder, etc...

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I have a 2000 Outback and I am having the clutch judder problem. I had one independent mechanic say he would not do the work because Subaru has not solved the problem and that they keep changing the clutch kits to try and solve the problem. I guess now Subaru recommends as replacement to be a sport clutch and a new flywheel. Anyone had this done? Did it work? How many miles have you driven with the new clutch kit. Any other info? Does anyone know of class action suit against Subaru for this problem or a recall coming down the line?



Thanks for all your inputs.

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Had a new subaru clutch put in my '02 outback wagon a year after I bought it new. Have over 25,000 miles on it and it works like a champ. they fixed the clutch problem starting in the '03 model years. others on this board had similar threads at the time, thank god I found this board at the time.


in fact, if you search thru the archives someone posted a copy of a tech bulletin giving all of the new part numbers. i took this bulletin to my dealer and they agreed to replace it under warranty.


no longer hate the car, but still wish I had an automatic when I tow my utility trailer. god forbid, we bought a house with a steep driveway later on.



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