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Impreza outback sport hazard light problem

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Hi there,


Battery drained and once I recharged and reconnected my battery the hazard lights won't shut off. It's not the switch behind the steering wheel. I can click it all day and it won't help.


This is for a 1999 impreza outback sport.


While the battery was disconnected I also took the dash instrument panel out to fiddle with some little light bulbs behind the gauges.


I've done some searches online and can't find a little button people talk about. I've tried disconnecting the battery and reconnecting meanwhile turning the key on, off, upside down, inside out......nothings working except disconnecting the relay or pulling the fuse.


I'm trying to get this car ready for a safety inspection and this is a huge step in the wrong direction

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Disregard this whole thing please. I figured it out. Some kids that had this car before me messed around with electrical wiring under the dash. Things like adding cruise control switches and some other stuff like cutting airbag wires....just ridiculous stuff

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