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If the key is magnetic you could try tapping a strong magnet against the opening of the lock and see if it will pull the broken part out. Other than that, some trickery with paper clips and a sharp pick tool may get it slid out enough for you to grab it with some pliers and get it out.


Worst case you remove the whole switch assembly and take it to a locksmith. Might cost $40-50 to have them remove the key and cut a new one.

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When I have to remove a bit of key from a lock I use a scroll saw blade, they're super slim and you can use it to grab the chunk and pull it out. Caution not to push it all the way in, otherwise your only solution is to disassemble the tumbler entirely.

If you have to do that, you need to hacksaw or dremel slots in the dead eye bolts to get the assembly off the car.

If it's the same ignition as a regular EJ car, you can drill two small holes next to the brass pins on the side of the ignition. Then you can pull the pins out with a pair of needle nose, or a sharp pick or something, after doing that the tumbler just slides out and you can disassemble it.


If I can find one laying around, I can take more detailed pictures on the disassembly of the tumbler, it's actually really easy.

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Being a locksmith for 38 years the easiest way to do it is to take it to a locksmith we have the tools to remove broken keys sometimes it's really quick and easy and sometimes it's a little harder possible cost $10 to maybe $30

mtncrsr. PS: where are you located I would do it for nothing

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