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Throw Out Bearing - 2008 Impreza

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Hi everyone,


I recently got a 2008 Impreza hatchback with the 2.5L engine and a 5 speed manual transmission.  About a week ago I noticed a "rubbing" noise when I depressed the clutch pedal.  This being my first car with a manual transmission I didn't think much of it, it was pretty faint.  Today, however, that same noise was much more noticeable (I usually drive with the radio on so I'm guessing its been there all along and I just didn't notice it.  Now it's a louder rubbing noise and sometimes even whines a little bit.  Again, only happens when depressing the clutch, let the pedal out and the noise goes away (or at least gets significantly quieter, maybe I'm paranoid but I swear I can hear it a little just sitting in neutral with the pedal out). 


So here are my questions:


1. Based on my research thus far it seems to me like this is being caused by a throw out bearing on the way out.  Does this seem right?  Car has 105k miles on it.


2. Is this something I can let go for a while?  I have a good transmission mechanic and can afford the repair right now, but as this is my first manual transmission I would rather continue to make my learning mistakes now then get the throw out bearing / clutch replaced.


3. Seems like this would be a good opportunity to get the clutch replaced, any thoughts?


4. Are throw out bearings considered a wear item or could I have ridden the clutch too much in a matter of weeks to make it die?


Thanks in advance for the advice.

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Texan,  thanks for the tip.  Timing belt and water pump were done upon purchase of the car (103k) and head gaskets were inspected by a trusted Subaru mechanic.  I'm hoping after this throw bearing / clutch job I can get some good miles on it before the next major issue.

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