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My daughter wants to do a manual swap into her 2000 forester.  There is a car in the local JY with all the parts that I can use, but I also have an offer from a friend of mine.  He has a 2002 Forester and he wants to make it an automatic.  Can we just swap the parts from his car into my daughters car and vice versa?  I know it would be easier to just swap cars, but hers is a nicer car and I know what I have to work with,  My concern is whether or not her trans and parts are compatible with his car.  I mean, is all the wiring there or are we going to have to swap that too?  I am planning on going to the JY this week to get the parts off the 99 just in case, but if she can do it for nearly free, that would be great.  As always, any help is greatly appreciated.

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There are a couple other posts on this same topic posted recently (you should all form a group! :-) ), they may have more info.


I'd think you'd need the ECU to match the trans - @ least. Also, seems to me I read that some Subies around year 2000 started using trans-specific ABS units which would make this even tougher.


Going from 5-speed to Auto is much harder, due to the extra 'stuff', electronics-wise, IMHO. If  you and your friend are mech Wiz, then maybe no issue.


i'd go search on RS25.com and NASIOC.com as the Impreza bunch like to do this stuff more often, and 99% of the info is transferable - year to year.



Edited by wtdash
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