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Bled brakes while rotating tires in incorrect order and fluid was drawn from both reservoirs on MC. Result was poor braking. Bled second time at low vacumn with bleeder threads wrapped in teflon tape in correct sequence and all wheels only drew from small front reservoir. Test drove and braking was good so activated antilock a few times and bled a third time. All wheels only drew fluid from front reservoir again. How is this possible? Why won't it draw from large back reservoir also?

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In all of my years of wrenching on vehicles (50 +) I have never heard of anyone ever using teflon tape on the caliper bleed screws. You have a 2015  subie, so the tape should not have been necessary. Understand that I'm not saying you did a "no no", its just that I've never heard of anyone ever having done this before. I can say that it wasn't necessary, as the bleed screws would do their job without it, especially on a new car, with no age to have given corrosion a start.


OK, now that that's out of the way, if you've properly done the bleed procedure, and you are convinced that under braking (even hard braking) that everything is as it should be, why worry about it?


If you still think that things are not as they should be, share your concerns with the service manager of your subie dealership.

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New bleeders, when loosened, are a loose fit allowing a lot of air to be sucked in when under vacumn. Teflon on the threads stops this. Emptying the back reservoir should occur as it's a dual circuit braking system. The back is not accessible to drain except through the brake circuit.

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