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The automatic ignition tumbler has a solenoid type thing on it that locks the key in unless the transmission is in park, these things can fail. One easy repair is to remove the offending part and you'll be able to take the key out even if you don't shift into park.

This is technically dangerous because it means you could shut the car off in drive, pull out the key, and walk away letting the car roll off. Your choice, I just remove them.


Take the plastic off the steering column, there are two screws on the bottom. You'll need a #2 phillips screwdriver with a decently long shaft.

Tilting the wheel all the way down will give you the access you need.


This picture has two things circled in red, the left one is the switch that makes the dinger come on when the key is in the ignition and the door is open. The right circle is the thingy that prevents you from removing the key. Unscrew it, unplug it, don't look back.



Edited by 987687
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Yes, exactly, In park and key won't release... The stupid thingy circled in red that's attached to the ignition tumbler can fail and make the key get stuck. It happened to my 98 lgt. You have to remove two phillips screws holding it on and a connector, then throw it in the trash.

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Yes, the big tumor on the right with two wires going into it fails and prevents you from turning the key all the way off and removing it.

It's a bit of a pain to get to when it's on the steering column, iirc, but it should be doable. It's the cause of your problems.

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