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Cold intake air charge....

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Why does everyone of your posts make me question your sanity!? LOL ;)


Because I am insane.


Edit: Seriously tho...i was thinking about using an air to water IC....but instead of water...and a pump and rad....i was going to use liquid Nitrogen...and a special pump that uses electromagnetic feilds to absorb energy from the intake air charge...it uses that energy to power its self and circulate the Liq. Nitr....it doesnt need a rad...cuz the pump assy absorbs the heat energy. The more heat, the more effient it is. Something along those lines....

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I thought that URL looked familiar...these are the same folks that sell those "carbon fiber" rims...LOL (of course, for obvious structural reasons they are alloys that are covered with CF, not wheels that are actually made of CF).


That said the theory kinda makes sense. This is really no different than turbo car owners that ice their intercoolers at the drag strip.


BUT...then again, every time the discussion comes up about "is metal tubing in an intake really wise since it would soak up heat", the defense is that the air is moving fast enough that it isn't notably affected by the intake tubing temp. Wouldn't the same thing apply here, especially considering how little time the air would spend in the very small, low restriction "dry ice containment unit" (their term, not mine...lol)?


I would think that a similar concept but using an artificially chilled intercooler would have a more noticeable effect (i.e. an intercooler surrounded with dry ice) since ICs have much better heat transfer properties than a simple metal tube (partly due to the fact that the air spends more time passing through the IC than it would a similarly sized piece of tubing).

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Gasoline freezes at about -80F, so your engine would cease to run. Not to mention the difficulties with haveing something *that* cold enter a combustion chamber - the aluminium and the steel expand and contract at different rates, and something below -300F would certainly cause ireperable damage in short order. Bad times.



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what about the throttle boby mod where you bypass the coolant liine that run through it. that should take off quite a bit of heat from the air going into the manifold. has anyone here tried this, or is this just on the newer subies? hmmm, maybe i should get off my lazy *** and go look at my rx. but has anyone tried this?

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