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Help identifying sensor and vacuum port

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That port you are pointing to connects to the fuel pressure regulator, which is the small diaphragm above your finger as viewed in the picture.  There is a long hose connected to the fuel regulator that is routed to the wrong place.

That port open will cause crummy idle.


The top picture cuts out whatever that connector is connected to so I can't be sure of what it is.

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Is there any way that you could take a picture of your vacuum hoses? Someone redid all the vacuum lines when they rebuilt the engine. I'm sure several are incorrect.


The sensor I'm talking about it at the bottom of the Engine. in the picture you can see the silver terminal with no connector on it.

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Oh, yes, if it is on the oil pump, it is the pressure sender.


There should be a single wire coming down along the dipstick to it.

Ok thanks. That's what I was thinking. The wierd thing is, as far as I can see it's not plugged in. But my oip pressure gauge works and fluctuates like it should

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Oh, I see whats going on now - The pressure sender is the bigger one below, with the wire on it


The second one, is just an idiot light switch, not usually in the models with a gauge. 


Typically, there is a plug there.  It's 1/8" British pipe taper.

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