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Long time, no see to those who might remember me... :D


Anyway, my 91 is running well as usual. Since I last posted I installed a new muffler and she sounds just great! Now my front bearing is REALLY begging for attention, so I am going to replace it. It seems to me I am not only going to need the bearing, but the inner and outer seals as well. It looks like I'm going to spend around $60 for the whole shebang. Does anyone have any tips/tricks to doing this? I do know I need to take the knuckle to an auto shop to have the old one pressed out, and the new one pressed in. Would a Subaru dealership do this for me for a small fee???



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No! not for a small fee. Independent shop might do it for a small fee. I took my control arm to a Subaru dealer to have ball joint pressed out and a new one pressed in total cost was $70.00. (labor only)


Brother in law had wheel bearing pressed out of knuckle and new one pressed in for $20.00 at a small independent shop.

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I haven't had to do a front bearing yet, but when one of my rears asked for attention, I sprang for a Hub Tamer and did the replacement on the car. Figured I saved taking off the hub and the cost to have the bearing pressed out. For the fronts, it'll save the cost of an alignment too. Kind of a neat tool to have.

I think there're about $250 now days. If you own a Subaru you need to have one.

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