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EA81 nippon denso disty help pls

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Hey gang !


I just got a reman ND disty (cardone) to replace the hitachi in my brumby.


Got a dist cap locally and its the correct one with the breather on the top but I can't source a rotor button. Repco sold me the wrong part they swear is for that disty (but turns out to be for a toyota after a google search).


Can anyone link me up to the right rotor button or post a pic of what one looks like?


My Brumby is dead in the water until I can source one.


Cheers, Richo

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Just to clarify, you need the actual rotor or the rotor button because they're two different things. The button is the little carbon or brass button in the cap and it comes with it. Unfortunately, all my Subies have Hitachi dizzy's so I can't point you in the right direction, but someone here will.

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