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reverse light wiring, 5spd conversion, vice versa

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ok as you may have read i am swapping 4wd 5spd d/r into fwd, and vise versa.


the plug ins are different on each car/tranny. would nayone have a schematic so i can either splice the connectors to the other trannies, or wie them up mysel to a switch.

a schematic will do nicely

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A few of the plugs do line up. I pluged what ones I could in. The rest I left unplugged. I have no reverse lights so I can't help you there. Would be nice to wire those up :)


Have you been keeping up on McBrat's thread? He's trying to track down similar issues.

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Just leave the switch plugged in. I like to flash the REV lights at tailgaters, gets'em off quick. The inspection people will see the lights light up too.

I've been lazy, but now that I've had the switch in there so long I'm keeping it. Anyhow it's proof I did the conversion. Nice Q&A when people first ride with me. I have to shift to "D" before cruise works.

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