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Good place to connect meter to do back pressure test


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1991 SPFI manual Loyale w/212k miles. I am trying to figure out if  my exhaust is blocked so I ordered a meter from Amazon to test vacuum. Where do you guys think a good spot to connect it is? I even thought about connecting it and putting outside the windsheild so that I can test the vacuum while driving. Also, do I need to do anything to the EGR?



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There is a vacuum port on the passenger side of the intake.  It connects to the EGR solenoid, HVAC canister, etc.

My test for exhaust blockage is to loosen the 4 nuts on the header pipes, and leave a gap of about 1/2"


It will be loud, but if it runs right, there's your answer.  If it runs the same, it's not the exhaust.


Depending on age, you may end up needing new studs and gaskets though.  Those studs and nuts should be kept from seizing with compound made for the purpose.  If they have never been removed, they might be stuck / end up stripping.

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Thanks DaveT. Since I currently have limited access to most of my tools and a workspace, I am limited in what I can do. I have never been at those bolts so I know it could be a real can of worms. I am going to try to use the gauge first and then see what steps I might take after that. 

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