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I got a 96 impreza 2.2. I was getting a high idle every once in a while it was around 1100 rpm when idling. I changed the iac valve with a known good one. It actually looked like it was new. I was noticing once the valve was taken off there is a rubber insert in the intake. One had a metal plate behind it with slots in it and the other didn't have the metal plate on it was just the rubber insert. I left the plate off thinking it should give it better air flow. Car seems to run fine without it. What is the purpose of the metal plate?

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Probably a gasket. Can you post a picture?


If it’s running properly and the unit plugs in then it’s fine. The thing either vacuum leaks or doesn’t.


You’re positive it’s the IAC and not the EHR valve which has a distinctive metal plate as well right?

Edited by idosubaru
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