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No spark troubleshooting

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1987 Brat, EA81 engine, EA82 SPFI conversion.


Months ago, it didn't restart when I shut down to put gas in. I towed it home, and somewhat ignored it. One day I tried to start it, and it did. The next time I tried to start it, it didn't again. Which is where it's at now, no start. And it's not getting spark. I tested the coil, which is in spec. It has 12V at the primary connections. I tested that there is voltage going to the crank sensor, which reads 12, 5, 5, 0V on the 4 wires going to it. When I put a test light on the primary side of the coil, I see no indication that either is disconnecting while I crank it.

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Ok so far as I can tell, in the SPFI section of the fuel injection chapter there's some info on troubleshooting the two possible trouble codes, 11 (no reference pulse) and 13 (no position pulse). also a wiring diagram of the sensor. I'll post those as well as the diagram of the layout of the control unit connectors. That should probably be what you'd need to check all the wiring. It says there's a more thorough write up of the distributor and ignition coil setup (including crank angle sensor) in another volume - Chapter 6-1 Engine electrical system. If you'd like I can pull that one out and see what it says. I'll be at the library all day today so just say the word if you see this post in time.

Edited by Brianmitchtay
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Hopefully this helps! and good luck! All the wires around my SPFI control box are so stiff and old that when I move them around to check continuity and resistances I always feel like I'm probably breaking more wires and causing more harm than good. ha

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It's only been a year and a half, but I finally fixed this! Thanks to Brainmitchtay for those pictures! That helped me isolate it, and replace the disty fron a JY one. With that, it fired right up!

After I got the new car about the same time this happened, my motivation to fix it just wasn't there.

Edited by Speedwagon
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