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Fuel pump check valve location 98 Subaru Legacy outback 2.5l engine 190k miles

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I’m having an issue with my car where when I start it up it sputters and the rpms bounce up and down a little bit but after like 5-10 seconds it stops and runs fine. I read that it’s my fuel pump check valve and I’m wondering if this is correct and if it is then where is it located.

Edited by Chrisg12222
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Always!!!!!!!!!! tell us the year, model and mileage for any post asking for advice or help. It changes the possible answers anyone might give you.

Until then, we really can't help. I can give you a factory service manual (FREE) if I knew what your car's specifics were!

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One day later the info I missed the first time I saw the post is there? DUH, on my behalf!

Here's the98 FSM, but you'll need to do some searching through it to find the fuel pump section. Its not readily visible from the pdf titles listed.



Edited by gbhrps
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