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1999 imp L Fuel filler tube

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Does any one know what all the small hoses do & can I cap them or union them together?  I pulled a filler tube out of a 95 imp L & it only has 1/2"?ID vent tube coming off side near top. I was hoping to use this as the replacement until I saw all the spaghetti around the 99 filler, shown below >>>    How does that little box with two hoses work, as the "filler neck shut off switch?"





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Update; :clap:  got lucky at junk yard for a clean one off a Forester for $20.00, and now I have a happy kid again, not whining about gas fumes, and to a fix for snow melting into filler neck and causing no starts in winter when water froze in gas tank, disabling fuel pump.

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