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Has anyone ever loosen the motor mounts and jacked up the motor on a 98 Outback to gain better access for removing and replacing the spark plugs? Seems like it might be easier than using 14 extensions and wobblies to get those suckers out. What do ya think?

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not nessecary.   And you'd have to drop the exhaust first.  

Pull the airbox, and the battery and washer res.


Use a 3/4 deep socket on the shouldered end of the spark plug socket.  No wobbles needed.  Just 2 sockets and 3/8th drive ratchet.  


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I just changed the spark plugs on my son's '98 Legacy EJ25D engine. Like FerGloyale said, remove the washer tank and swing it out of the way for the driver's side, and remove the airbox cover along with the MAF and intake tube to gain access to the passengers side. All I had was a 2" wobbly extension for my 3/8" ratchet and it was about perfect for the job, although a fraction of an inch longer extension might have made it easier. I wish the EJ25's had the plugs angled like the EJ22's. 

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