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How to torque the Impreza rear hub housing bolt?

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Supposedly this bolt (long one at the bottom of the rear hub/shock housing) is supposed to be torqued with the wheels on and loaded with the vehicle weight.  With the wheels on I see no possible way to get a torque wrench on either end of that bolt.  Best I can get is a large crescent or open/box end wrench.  I figure I would need to be able to pull about 150 lbs on that wrench to get to 103 ftlb.  Not sure I can manage that.

How do you do this properly?  I could remove the wheels and bolt up the discs and lower the car down onto a block of wood, but don't want to over stress the discs by doing that.

This bolt was out for removing axles to do rear wheel bearings.  2006 2.5i


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I bolted the rotor down and lowered the pbrake drum portion down on a wood block and that worked fine.  You could bolt an old rotor on upside down to lower on to if you feel more comfortable not putting pressure on the installed rotor.  Also if you have an old steel rim wheel you could bolt it on upside down as well.  If a tire is mounted it may not clear the fender though.  It seems I was able to get about 70 ft lb on the bolts with the crescent wrench and tire on, so that probably would have held it in place well enough for completing the tightening with the wheel off.

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