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Bump , and One manual has been sold.

You guys who spoke up about manuals , I would appreciate a follow through. 

Just donated $20 from the sale of one manual. 

The Ultimate Goal is for me to sell all five manuals (original listing) and donate it to the USMB.

Make it so ! 

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Note to all:

When shipping any Media Mail I advise you to add insurance. It’s cheap and the person on the other end will appreciate it as much as you. 

Un-insured Media Mail is gone forever and you are beat. The buyer may get their refund but you the shipper are out of luck. 

So , going forward I will only ship Media Mail with insurance. The cost is typically just a few dollars , like $2-3 that’s it. Protection is priceless. 


Typical media mail price on an average size thick service manual is usually around $2.xx to $4.xx and adding insurance brings that up to around $5-6 just so it’s clearly stated. 

No more getting Media shipped from me at the bottom line. It’s not worth the aggravations when they lose your item.


Edited by moosens
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