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Rack Pinion Vibrates on Startup

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I just bought a 05 Outback, that has a few problems.  It has a new steering rack that seems to vibrate the steering wheel at startup.  The car is up on jackstands as a brakeline also needs replacing.   What would make a new steering rack vibrate like that on startup?  I will drain the fluid and bleed the system (with Dexron Auto tranny fluid, but I do not know what the problem could be.  Any ideas from anybody?   Thanks for taking the time I really do appreciate it.  

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It’s most likely air being sucked into the PS fluid system. This is usually from a cracked pick up line from the remote reservoir. 

Other than that I’m stuck for ideas as this sort of feeling from air in the system would cause a vibration like sensation in the steering during turning the wheel left or right.




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bad o-ring(s) on the elbow hose adapter on top of the PS pump. notorious for losing its compliance on older soobs.


I've had noise and/or jerky steering wheel on both my soobs, fixed by replacing the o-ring. It allows air to be sucked in, causes bubbles/foaming of the ps fluid.


Edited by 1 Lucky Texan
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Thanks for the pictures.  I have been busy and not had a chance to work on car.  My rusty old 92 Legacy is still running like a swiss watch watch.  That thing NEVER gives me any problems but its soooo  rusty.

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Ok  so I replace the factory clamps with worm gear clamps at 3 spots bleed the system with 40 slow cranks of the wheel and all seems to be good. Although I have not driven car as it is still up on jack stands due to a brake issue.   Thanks again for the advice!   

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