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OBD codes 301-4 misfire trouble, help

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I have had my 97 OBW for less than a year, the EGR has been an issue constantly, but yesterday on my way home the CEL started flashing. I pulled the codes this morning and got PO301 thru 304 all cylinders misfiring, PO 325 Knock Sensor 1, and my old PO 400 EGR flow malfunction that has been there for about 6 months, can't figure that one out. Could not stop as I was late for work and on the interstate doing 75, I slowed to 60, and while driving it today it was just on steady as it has been with the EGR PO 400 problem without flashing. I am not sure where to start looking for my main issue, and am quite worried I have to take a 2500 mile trip in a week and a half for my kids and right now my OBW is the only operational vehicle. I just got done with putting about 1500 miles in a road trip two weeks ago without any similar issues. I could use some suggestions on where to start working, the last thing I need is to have my car break down going up the continental divide or taking my kids back to Kansas.



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Ok Questions ?

1) how many miles on vehicle ?

2) was it raining out at the time of the missfire/ CEL light flashing ?

3) when was it last serviced and what was done ?


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OK Answers!

1) miles appr. 190k

2) not raining, although we have been getting alot of moisture lately

3) last service about 3500 miles ago with that last trip, I do the servicing myself, basic tune-up filters, plugs, oil. Timing belt replaced somewhere around 120k, and just replaced the belts two days ago.

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Have you replaced the sparkplug leads, are they original?

Try this next, get a spray bottle with water in it and spray around the coil area with the engine running and see if the engine will start to misfire .If it does then you may have leaky spark plug wires or possibly a cracked coil tower Also check the ends of the coil towers for corrosion (look for green furry stuff)


What type of plugs did you put in? Platinum or regular plugs ,When did you replace the plugs 3500 miles ago or at the 120k mile point? ( not clear)

What was the gap set at ?


On your other two codes


P0325 knock sensor - just replace it, what usually happens with them is they go open circuit and set a code. Then reconnect and work for a while and depending on heat and vibration will go open and trigger a code again (Quite common )


P0400 flow malfunction- most likely the tube that is connected between the EGR and the cylinder head is plugged, you can test to see if the EGR is working by starting the engine and pushing the diaphragm on the EGR open manually, the engine should run rough and almost stall. DO THIS WHEN THE ENGINE IS COLD SO YOU DON'T BURN YOUR FINGER! If it doesn't run rough the tube is most likely plugged



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I do my tune-ups about every 3500 - 4000 miles.


I will check the spray bottle thing here after I get off work, and give results tomorrow, coil is what I was thinking since I got misfires on all cylinders. Others thought it may be a timing issue, but as far as i can tell the car does not run differently or rough since the CEL was flashing. The only other thing has been a decrease in milage of about 1.5 to 2 MPG over the last month.


The EGR problem has been a huge headache, I have done all the tests in the book on all the componets, and all of them checkout individually. I have cleaned the valve, checked movement with vaccume gage, resistance on relay, and replaced transducer. I have cleaned the pipe, checked for other blockage and reset the code more than once. dont know what else to do.

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Update for my problem sorry it took so long, I have done the water test sea#3 suggested, tested the knock sensor, and tested the coil pack. The coil pack was <.2 ohms above max limit on primary resistance, .9 instead of .74 ohms. That was the only anomaly that I found, no corrosion present. The knock sensor tested ok from what the book told me to do. Would it test ok when cold and cause a problem on the road? I wish I had the software to monitor that stuff in real time on my PDA. So basically I am still at square one, going to give it a tune-up and clear the codes in the next couple days.


Also I have a high pitched squeal when the engine is under hi load, like hard acceleration but not at normal acceleration or cruising speed, replaced both belts with gator backs, and that did not fix it, does that sound like the water pump going out?



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