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engine flush question

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this has been asked before alot, the engine has not been driven alot , i have driven it 500 mi with clean oil, good filter , should i use motor flush or tranny fluid ?, which might be better to use ? and of course replace oil and filter ,

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Why are you interested in flushing the inside of the motor........?


I have heard alot of differing views on this...... the one I stand behind

is this: the tolerances in a motor are very small... only several thousanths

of an inch on moving parts...... Varnish inside the motor will actually fill spaces

that are small ..... and varnish can actually fill in worn spaces on bearings.....

because we are talking thousandths of an inch here.... so these flushes can actually remove these deposits(this varnish) that you would not necessarily want to remove... So I would say not to flush the motor with anything.... just be faithful to change the oil frequently......



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