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This car idles really rough. Did the plugs and wires, recent O2 sensor, filters. I was looking at the engine in the dark to see if any arcing occurs with the plug wires, and I noticed a lot of arcing coming from inside the ignition coil area, on the top of the engine where the plug wires attach to. Now this is a distributorless system, I believe, uses electronic ignition. Is it normal to see this arcing? Thanks for any feedback you could offer.

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Thanks for the reply. I take it there shouldn't be any arcing inside there, no moving parts right? Local dealer might have this item or can order it in.

You probably need a new coilpack. I personally am anal-retentive about my car, so I would just get a brand-new coilpack, about $80. Make sure you get a Diamond one, they put out more spark.
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