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Loyale, 4 inch SJR .. Drive line whip...Cured

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Well here is a good one and I have hunted pretty deep for the answer to this.   But anyways 90 Loyale, 4 inch SJR lift circa 2013, EJ22 swap, D/R trans. 

Here is my issue.  I have some nasty drive line whip going on at very low speeds under a load to the rear end.   I have dropped the center bearing two times in attempts to alleviate this annoyance.   What is the correct distance to lower the center bearing of the drive line after a 4 inch lift to rid myself of this nasty vibration.  I do not remember anything in the photos that came with the lift so many years ago.  Now that Totoro is driven almost daily off road it needs to be cured before I start taking out U joints and the center bearing.

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have you checked to see if theres anything bent or worn out

obviosly you want the drive line as straight as posable other than that i cant help i dont remeber how much i droped mine and my front is lifted more than the rear so it needs less drop than if it had the same front to rear

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Cured, somewhere along the lines I forgot to turn the carrier bearing 180 degrees. 

So for all those out there doing lifts.  Carrier bearing 180 degrees and then a 1 inch spacer between the body and the bearing seems to do the trick.  Drive line whip cured.

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  • Peerson changed the title to Loyale, 4 inch SJR .. Drive line whip...Cured

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