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Overheating and smoking as well as leaking coolant


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I am in dire need of some knowledge regarding my 1998 Subaru outback legacy. I am new and learning as I go when doing my tlc for my lovely loyal Subaru. Recently things went from bad to worse when I started smelling that burning overheating smell from under the hood. My neighborhood backyard mechanic tried assisting Me by pointing out there was a crack where the hose attached is up to buy the radiator to Erie fastened to the clamps and try to pull the hose closer with no luck it started getting worse real quick then it started overheating drastically fast without even going very far please help me

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3 hours ago, Jubilation5463 said:

I am in dire need of some knowledge regarding my 1998 Subaru outback legacy. I am new and learning as I go when doing my tlc for my lovely loyal Subaru. Recently things went from bad to worse when I started smelling that burning overheating smell from under the hood. My neighborhood backyard mechanic tried assisting Me by pointing out there was a crack where the hose attached is up to buy the radiator to Erie fastened to the clamps and try to pull the hose closer with no luck it started getting worse real quick then it started overheating drastically fast without even going very far please help me

if it were me I’d determine immediately if the head gaskets are blown first. But you’re unlikely to be able to do that. We don’t have much info to go on - except that the radiator is broke and you’re asking us what to do.

The first time it leaked it ran low on coolant and /or had an air pocket .  You can’t just shove the hose on and drive. It needs topped off and air pockets removed (burped).  

Replace the broken radiator. $80 on Rockauto.com and local chains with online discounts 

Burp the system.  Once you have a leak air is introduced into the system and it’ll overheat until you burp it.  You may have “fixed it” by pushing the hose closer but it still overheated due to airpockets rather than the hose/radiator.  So it might be possible to “fix it” like you did if you get the air out.  But it still sounds like the radiOrr needs replaced in short order  

Youre playing with a grenade - those headgaskets might be blown or will blow very quickly. If they are then I’d be putting my effort into and EJ22 swap, rather than repair


Edited by idosubaru
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Thank you very much went and got a thermostat from Napa have car on ramps right now going to drain the reservoir and put new thermostat in. So how this all started it wasn't completely dry of coolant add air conditioning problems during the summer grab one of those cans to do it myself perhaps could that be a reason I air got into the system? Anywho it's like I said before I don't know much on Subarus trying to learn as I go along all I know is that when car is idling it seems to be okay but before I even get up to 25 100 RPMs it begins to overheat fast goes all the way up to the danger end of gauge. 

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25 minutes ago, Jubilation5463 said:

Thank you very much went and got a thermostat from Napa have car on ramps right now going to drain the reservoir and put new thermostat in. So how this all started it wasn't completely dry of coolant add air conditioning problems during the summer grab one of those cans to do it myself perhaps could that be a reason I air got into the system? Anywho it's like I said before I don't know much on Subarus trying to learn as I go along all I know is that when car is idling it seems to be okay but before I even get up to 25 100 RPMs it begins to overheat fast goes all the way up to the danger end of gauge. 

If you want help we need to know data and facts.  Exactly what happens and a time line. 

1. Are there any coolant leaks? Is the radiator fixed?

2. Is the coolant full in the radiator (not the overflow tank)

3. Did you BURP the cooling system?  If you didn’t, that’s why it’s overheating. You you need to do that or it’ll keep overheating  

*if it’s still leaking no amount of burping matters. That’s why I need to know the answers to numbers 1-3.

Youve given us random information that almost makes no sense  - you said that trying to fix the broken radiator and hose didn’t work...then asked for help  

Replace the radiator seems the obvious answer.

did you do that?

we can’t help if we don’t know anything about the car?

The thermostat won’t fix it, AC has absolutely nothing to do with the cooling system.  Working AC preheats the air in front of the car and makes it more prone to oveheesting if you use the AC.  But that’s only because the AC is preheating the outside air before it goes over the radiator.  Otherwise the AC and engine cooling are two *totally different and unrelated systems*

You’re sending that engine to the grave and it wont be fixable.  You can’t overheat engines like that and particularly this engine.  That’s the worst Subaru engine to run hot. 

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