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Brat starts bucking when I get past 3500rpm — anyone experienced this?

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Hi y’all,

Got my 85 Brat back in the summer and have been slowly fixing it up. Don’t know too much about the history of the car so went into everything pretty blind. I ran into an issue initially where when I would get the car up past 35mph, it would start bucking pretty bad and sometimes even stall out. I just put a new carburetor in thinking that would fix the problem , and while it runs way better, I’m still experiencing the bucking issue. 

Has anyone dealt with this issue before? Wondering if it could be fuel related but not sure. Thanks! 

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27 minutes ago, DaveT said:

T in a fuel pressure gauge.  See if it drops too low.  Starving for fuel causes bucking.  Possibly spark problem  - if the fuel pressure gauge stays up under the conditions that cause the bucking.

Makes sense — will look into that, thank you!

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Two fuel filters, one front, one near pump in most EA81 carby models.

Fuel hoses have been found to break down internally.

I also have, and many others, had to use compressed air to blow out the steel fuel lines, section by section. The final section into the tank was my culprit. Rusty crud like nothing else blew into the empty tank. Cleaned out from sender hole with rag on long piece of wire

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Thanks all! I had replaced one fuel filter but didn’t realize there was a second one — that one looks pretty cruddy so gonna switch that out. Definitely plan to check the other stuff as well. This is really helpful! 

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