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EA71 Thermostat Temp

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You could use either , best suited to what you do and where you’re located. But the 180 is fine enough.


Some folks get a little antsy when their old 70’s Subaru sits in traffic and the temp goes up kind of fast. But that’s usually the fan. 

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i can drive in rush hour traffic at a maximum of 105F with a 160F thermostat, if it's any hotter outside, i start overheating (with electric fans going)

but it sucks in dead winter when it gets to 25-30 degrees, the brat coughs for about 10-15min, by the time it fully warms up, i'm already where i need to be lol.

also keep in mind, i removed the mechanical useless fan and installed 2 electric fans on a switch to survive the summer heat here.

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