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front of engine stuff?

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I pulled the water pump, seems the person before my got in a fight with the metal pipe that comes out of the the water pump. Pump got beat up bad. I found a piece of 25mm rubber hose stuffed in as an O-ring. I am just wondering what other things I should look at before putting it back together????

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The short (about 3") hose elbow that leads to the heater pipe. This is right above the metal pipe you mention. I can't remember if it's the heater inlet or outlet, but no matter -- if you're in there, you might as well replace it. It's just about the toughest thing to get to when it inevitably cracks.


Is the pump still good? Replacements are easy to get, ranging from ~ $30 to $70. Do a search here, quite a few recommendations on where to go for replacement.


Other than that, check the mounting bolts (I used stainless steel replacements) and the mounting surface. Not much else, as far as the water pump goes.


-- Mark

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