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Off road tires

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I don't know the prices yet. I'm looking for a dealer that sells them with their prices on line, being Sun. and all. I was just doing some surfing this AM and ran across them. Northwest Tire sells them.

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I've run nothing but Mastercraft tires for the last 8 years on my 86 Trooper and have loved every set I've had. My mechanic gets them for me at his cost and the quality can't be beat IMO. Great traction off-road, in the winter on unplowed roads, and work great when it rains as well. My 'Zu gets roughly 48-50K out of a set, but my 4 wheel alignment is slightly out of whack. The Courser is an awesome tire as far as I'm concerned.



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Those are probably just a rebrand of something more familair..... they appear nealy identical to a Les Shwabb Wildcat EXT..... which is a great tire (my only problem with them is thin side-walls.... only 4 ply.). If you can get the 215's cheaper than about $110 each mounted an balanced than you can beat Les.... Keep us updated and find a dealer!


My current tires are the Hankook RT01.... basically a similar design, but cheaper, and they have a 6 ply design like the BFG MT's. Haven't punctured one yet, and they only cost me $99 a tire mounted and balanced. The price wasn't really the object, it was the ply rating that swayed me.... just for comparison - Interco Swampers are 10 ply. Considerably more expensive tho.



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Mastercraft is the discount brand for Cooper tires. I forgot to mention this in my last post. The tread pattern is almost identical to Cooper's Discovery ( I think thats the name) tire. I think the side wall is only 4-ply as well, which I can see being a problem for some. I have yet to tear a side wall. I like them because they are a good all purpose tire and fit my broke college budget.



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Yeah - I think Cooper makes the Wildcats too.... this is starting to make some sense.... heh.


On the other hand, if it's not your daily, you can get the Bias-Ply Interco Swampers for dirt cheap - I've seen em for like $89 a tire for the smaller lifted soob sizes.... Don't be sleepy when you drive tho - the howl will put you over the edge. Tough as nails. Like driving on rocks with the corners knocked off.



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The Khumo's are different, but equally nice. I've always wanted to try those, but availibility doesn't seem real good.




Tire rack. They carry the Kumho's in stock and your local tire shop should be able to mount and balance no problem. Of course, if you REALLY wanted to be enterprising about it, you could go to harbor freight and get your own tire balancer. :)

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Their site claims that, yes, but it's apparently not very accurate. I believe it was Junkie that told me he called them and they weren't able to locate him a set.... but that could just be the 205's on a 14 rim. 215's on a 15 like I'm running might be easy to get - not sure.



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