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I got word that there is no such thing as a JDM 2.5 motor. Is this true?... If so was the 2.5 offered anywhere else besides the U.S. and Canada? Also I am curious as to what variations of this motor have been produced. I have a phase 1 2.5 in my 98GT and have problems with wrist pin knock at 85k mi. @ this point I do not want to pay the dealer to fix it and just want to be able to do a direct engine swap and then trade this vehicle for a newer one that does not have the characteristic problems of the 2.5 ph1 ( I also want a manual tranny). I found an engine on ebay but he thinks its an AVCS from JDM,... but I am pretty sure since it has 4 cams, no turbo and LOOKS EXACTLY like my motor that it is not what he thinks it is,... here is the link. Any suggestions or comments greatly appreciated....




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That's the one huh? I'm going to email him and tell him how full of it he is. That's just a regular DOHC 2.5 out of an Outback or Legacy, hell it probably has a blown headgasket. AVCS my behind...


As THAWA said, that's no turbo motor, the turbo exhaust would be in the way of that thermostat.


There are 2.5's outside the US, quite a few in Europe, but not in Japan. They have no need for a 2.5 in Japan, the 2.0 nonturbo does fine for them as a commuter car, and they have the best 2.0 turbos of anybody.

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Alright jmlaser, I need to come clean. Sorry to have misled you.


I found an article in the newest Motor Trend this past weekend about the new Forester STi in Japan (such a sweet ride, 266hp, 1-inch drop, 6MT:slobber: ). It has an upgraded version of the semi-closed deck EJ25 that's in our Forester XT, but with 56 more HP. So there is a JDM EJ25. Please accept my apology.

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