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www.allsubparts.com Reputable/Reliable?

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Ken, AllSubaruPart is not Jason (Auburn Subaru), that is Jamie's (Carter Subaru) site, Jason is http://www.1stsubaruparts.com/ . Jamie's site tends to be more towards aftermarket newer Subarus although you can get genuine SUbaru parts there also. Jason's site is purely genuine Subaru parts only. Both sites are great places to get parts, I usually use Jamie's for aftermarket and Jason's for genuine Subaru parts.

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http://www.allsubaruparts.com is http://www.1stsubaruparts.com. Just click on the link and it forwards to http://www.1stsubaruparts.com. But anyway, I just completed an order with them. They are prompt and seem to have good service. The only thing that kinda ticked me off were the prices they list on the site are different then they charged me. They sent an invoice by email with the web prices and no shipping charge. When I received the items the paper invoice had different prices and the shipping. If you read the fine print they do state the prices are subject to change. :-\ I received the correct items, just UPS smashed the box and bent my head gaskets. :mad:
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